The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will launch its newest book titled “The Philippines’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from Experience and Emerging Stronger to Future Shocks" through a virtual forum on May 26, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Cisco Webex.
This book compiles papers assessing the strategies, policies, and recovery efforts that the Philippine government had implemented during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the challenges that the country had experienced and the government's responses in the areas of health, macroeconomy, food security, labor, social protection, poverty, education, digitalization, fiscal policy, and crisis and risk communication. This book also provides recommendations to help the Philippines recover from the current crisis and build better resilience to future shocks.
Download an e-copy of the book here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/document/pidsbk2022-covid19.pdf.
Register via: bit.ly/PIDSCOVID-19booklaunch. The meeting link will be automatically sent to the registered email address.
The Philippines’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Learning from Experience and Emerging Stronger to Future Shocks presented by Dr. Celia Reyes, Former President, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
The Multifaceted Health Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic presented by Dr. Valerie Gilbert Ulep, Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
What do Enrollment by Learning Modality and Household Characteristics Tell Us? presented by Dr. Aniceto Orbeta Jr., President, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Navigating the COVID-19 Storm: Impact of the Pandemic on the Philippine Economy and Macro Responses of the Government presented by Dr. Maria Margarita Debuque-Gonzales, Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
The recording of this webinar may be viewed at https://fb.watch/df2bbixjO5/.