A PIDS study found that although the main goal of the country’s Expanded Program on Immunization is to expand and maintain basic vaccine coverage at levels high enough, basic vaccination coverage in the Philippines has never reached 95 percent. Immunization in the past two decades was characterized by large fluctuations. Many children, though vaccinated, had untimely immunization (that is, they received the dose before or after the recommended time window). Only a small percentage of children (11%) had complete and timely basic vaccination. Given these findings, large investments and reforms in the current system of delivery and health promotion for immunization are needed. The study also urges the government to consider redesigning the vaccine supply chain and expanding the service delivery channel to private facilities.

Know more about the study titled “Too Early, Too Late: Timeliness of Child Vaccination in the Philippines” here: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps1921.pdf


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