Congress may authorize, through a joint resolution, the establishment of additional generating capacity under Republic Act No. 9136 or the Electrical Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) law, "upon the determination by the President of the Philippines of an imminent shortage of the supply of electricity…." Lawmakers, however, are on a break for the campaign period. They will resume session on June 5 to 7 to wrap up work for the 15th Congress. The 16th Congress will convene on July 22. Meanwhile, Mr. Aquino said "nakaimbak ’yung tubig [water is stored] in hydropower plants to ensure adequate electricity, especially for election day" on May 13 as the island’s supply mainly comes from hydropower plants. He said the "stopgap measures" of solving the power crisis will entail buying diesel-powered plants or renting these from those that have generating capacity. "And end point is if government buys the generating plant, ‘yung ’pag nag-online na ’yung mga private power plants by 2014 and 2015, ’di na kakailanganin itong diesel na mahal, dadalhin doon sa mga tinatawag na missionary areas o SPUG (small power utilities group) areas, [when private power plants go online by 2014 and 2015, the expensive diesel-powered plants are no longer needed and will be brought to missionary areas or SPUG]," the President explained.

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