A power sales agreement meant to the boost power supply in Mindanao is up for approval with the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).The deal, which is between Alcantara group subsidiary Mapalad Power Corp. and the Zamboanga del Sur I Electric Cooperative (ZAMSURECO), is a 5 megawatt (MW) power sales agreement with a duration of 3 years. In its joint application to the ERC, the two parties said that Mindanao`s generating capacity is insufficient in meeting the region`s power requirements. "ZAMSURECO I needs to procure additional power supply that can be available at the soonest possible time. Other than supply from Mapalad Power there does not appear to be any other viable alternative for immediate power supply available to ZAMSURECO I to address the current power crisis," the application read. The region has daily power outages that lasts 8 hours. The brownouts are expected to worsen because of expected hike in power demand. According to state-owned think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies, brownouts will grow longer during the summer months due to lack of new capacity.

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