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Showing 886-900 of 2,993 items.
Jan 13, 2015
DP 2014-41
The PhilHealth Customer Assistance, Relations and Empowerment Staff (CARES) project was launched in 2012 to help members and their families navigate t..
Discussion Papers
Jan 12, 2015
DP 2014-50
To a large extent, planning and budgeting in government hospitals are still carried out in an unsystematic, nonstrategic manner that goes against the ..
Discussion Papers
Jan 12, 2015
DP 2014-49
The government has decided to utilize the public-private partnership (PPP) program to help improve access to quality hospitals and health care facilit..
Discussion Papers
Jan 12, 2015
DP 2014-48
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being utilized to meet development goals of many countries and there is much potential for PPPs to..
Discussion Papers
Jan 06, 2015
PN 2014-22
Hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2015 provides an opportunity for the Philippines to advance its economic interests in services tr..
Policy Notes
Jan 06, 2015
PN 2014-21
The 21-member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have different levels of economic development and, in turn, differentiated sta..
Policy Notes
Jan 06, 2015
DP 2014-46
The study assesses the experience of three Asian countries: China, Thailand, and Vietnam in the pursuit of universal health coverage (UHC) of their so..
Discussion Papers
Jan 06, 2015
DP 2014-44
The expenditures for employer-provided health care in private establishments and for student health services in private schools are two components est..
Discussion Papers
Jan 06, 2015
DP 2014-43
This study reviews literature on financing catastrophic health expenditures in selected countries to describe and synthesize the strategies of relativ..
Discussion Papers
Dec 18, 2014
RPS 2014-02
This study identifies and examines "choke points" in the supply chain of two selected commodity groups that are of interest to the region of the Assoc..
Research Paper Series
Dec 18, 2014
DP 2014-42
To improve PhilHealth`s benefits framework, enhance hospital services, and achieve one of the Universal Health Care`s thrusts, greater financial prote..
Discussion Papers
Dec 18, 2014
DP 2014-40
Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the leading killers among bacterial diseases worldwide. In the Philippines, the prevalence of culture-positive TB is ..
Discussion Papers
Dec 15, 2014
EID 2014 Vol. XIV No.2
This issue of the EID features the amendment of the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution. Amending the Constitution`s economic provisions is a..
Economic Issue of the Day
Dec 11, 2014
DP 2014-39
This paper suggests that the ASEAN economic integration can be viewed as an opportunity for brain gain for the ASEAN member-countries. The envisaged A..
Discussion Papers
Dec 03, 2014
PN 2014-23
The Bottom-up Budgeting (BUB) aims to ensure that funding requirements for the development needs of municipalities and cities are included in agency b..
Policy Notes

Showing 886-900 of 2,993 items.
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