Basic education - Matches
Showing 31-45 of 55 items.

More boys drop out of school or obtain failing grades compared to girls in basic education, a research study of the Philippine Institute for Developme..
Press Releases

In terms of education, advocates of gender equality in the Philippines should also pay attention to enhancing boys' wellbeing, without compromising gi..
Press Releases

This Policy Note examines the extent of gender disparities in various education performance metrics, particularly the rate of out-of-school children (..
Policy Notes

The enactment of Republic Act 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, added two years to basic education. One of the rationales offered by..
Discussion Papers

This Policy Note describes the profile of out-of-school children (OOSC) in the Philippines. Among others, it finds that school attendance in the count..
Policy Notes

Education is widely recognized as an imperative to attain inclusive growth and sustainable development, including acceleration of poverty reduction. T..
Infographics - Policy Issue at a Glance

The high cost of education is not the top concern for majority of young Filipinos who are out-of-school, as more than half cited “marriage or fa..
In the News

The Department of Education (DepEd) has to address a number of issues on poverty and health to sustain the increasing number of children in the basic ..
In the News

Donning her skinny pants and black top, Dara Mae Tuazon could very well have been off to an unforgettable summer trip on a Tuesday morning in April. B..
In the News

This study assessed the performance and internal efficiency of the basic education sector through the Department of Education's Enhanced Basic Educati..
Policy Notes

The Philippines has put a lot of importance to the basic education sector. The immediate past government provided more resources to the sector, in sup..
Discussion Papers

One of the Millennium Development Goals is to achieve universal primary education. For the Philippines, there is good news to achieving this target. A..
Policy Notes

With the enactment of the K to 12 program, the basic education cycle is extended to include two additional years at the secondary level. Enrollment in..
Policy Notes

The Philippines’ budget for basic education as a percentage of the country’s gross domestic product remains to be low compared to those of its Sou..
In the News

Education has always been one of the most researched areas in the Philippines particularly because of its huge role in Philippine development. This is..
Development Research News
Showing 31-45 of 55 items.