Gender gap - Matches
Showing 1-9 of 9 items.

This issue of the Development Research News (DRN) focuses on issues impeding the achievement of gender equality in the country, particularly in educat..
Development Research News

(PIDS POLICY ISSUE AT A GLANCE) How to help Boys Catch Up: Closing the Gender Gap in Basic Education
While the Philippines has achieved positive developments in reducing the prevalence of out-of-school children (OOSC), gender gaps in basic education r..
Infographics - Policy Issue at a Glance

Established in 2011, the Oplan Lumikas para Iwas Kalamidad at Sakit (LIKAS) aims to relocate 120,000 informal settler families (ISFs) from danger area..
Policy Notes

The gender gap is a key policy issue across the economic sectors, including agriculture. While the Philippines has—in general—made considerable pr..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines slips to the 10th rank in the latest Global Gender Gap Index by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It remains the most gender-equal natio..
PIDS Updates

New research suggests women are disadvantaged, but experts say this doesn’t stop those who want to workTraditional gender roles are hindering wo..
In the News

Despite being listed by the World Economic Forum as the best performer in gender outcomes among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member-stat..
In the News

Despite being listed by the World Economic Forum as the best performer in gender outcomes among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) mem..
In the News

According to the World Economic Forum, the Philippines has been leading the economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in advancing gende..
Policy Notes
Showing 1-9 of 9 items.