A process evaluation conducted by PIDS to assess the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act found some issues in the teaching of RPRH. These issues include the appropriateness of RPRH topics to the age and maturity of the students and the teachers’ perceived lack of readiness to teach sexuality education. The study recommended issuing curriculum guides to teachers to ensure that the topics are age and development appropriate and equipping them through training to effectively teach RPRH.
Know more about the study titled “Process Evaluation of Selected Programs of the Department of Health (DOH): RPRH Education and Communication” here: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publications/7246.
Know more about the study titled “Process Evaluation of Selected Programs of the Department of Health (DOH): RPRH Education and Communication” here: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publications/7246.
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