MANILA - The Philippines is ahead when it comes to diversity and inclusion, especially for women in technology, the head of IBM Philippines said Thursday. 

Aileen Judan-Jiao, IBM Philippines' first homegrown Filipino woman president and country general manager said that in the many markets that the multinational tech company operates, the country stands out with many women holding management positions. 

Jiao also said IBM is serious about its diversity and inclusion policies.

"It is really a business priority for us as we have shown in our leadership positions within IBM," she said in an exclusive interview with ANC's The Boss. 

Besides what she called a culture of openness and transparency, Jiao said the tech giant also actively tries to spot potential leaders and encourages them to move ahead. 

"IBM is also a very nurturing organization as far as promotion from within, and of women in technology."

But Jiao also said that it was important for women who want to take up management and executive positions to "raise their hands."

"It's important that you have the realization: do you want to move farther ahead?"

A study released in 2015 by the International Labor Organization said the Philippines has the highest proportion of women managers among Asian countries.

The report, titled “Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum,” said that in the Philippines, 47.6 percent of all managers are women. 

A study released in 2018 by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies meanwhile said gender inequality still prevails in the Philippine government and the business sector with a few women holding top positions. 

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